Buddymen Guidelines
The Balloon Buddies Buddymen gives members a place to meet, interact, and share ideas with each other. Just like a real community, you may have different opinions than other Buddymen members. The Balloon Buddies experience is best when people remember a few rules. The Balloon Buddies sets out the terms and conditions of your use of our services with our Guidelines, and in other rules that we may place on our site. For your use of the Balloon Buddies Buddymen, some of the key things to remember are:
1. You may not harass, abuse, threaten, advocate violence or commit any acts that harm other members on or off the Buddymen.
2. It is strictly forbidden to post pictures of minors or to post anything that can be interpreted as harmful or abusive to minors.
3. This is an adult group, and thus has adult discussions. You must be at least 18 years of age to join.
4. You may not post content is in violation of federal or state law or international laws.
5. We are a diverse, non-political group, and we ask that you be tolerant of others that may be of a different race, sexual preference or sexual persuasion.
6. Stay on topic. If you constantly stray from the topic you may be moderated or removed from the group altogether by its owner.
7. You may not add members to a group without their permission.
8. You may not use the Balloon Buddies for commercial or advertising purposes without the permission of the owner or a moderator.
9. You may not post content which infringes the intellectual property, privacy or other rights of members or third parties.
10. You may not use the private information of members, including, but not limited to email addresses, pictures, or any personal information for professional or private use without their express permission.
11. All list members must have an expressed personal interest in discussion of balloon related topics in order to join. You may not join or maintain membership purely for commercial or research interests.
Violation of the list rules will be judged by the list moderators who will then decide whether to warn or exclude the person in question. You are always free to contact the list moderators if you have any questions, complaints or whatever. You will recieve a reply within a reasonable time.
If you are unsure whether your content is consistent with these policies, please err on the side of caution and do not post your content on the Balloon Buddies Buddymen.
The Balloon Buddies Buddymen Right To Terminate.
The Balloon Buddies Buddyist, in its sole discretion, may terminate or remove any content or member immediately and without notice if (a) The Balloon Buddies Buddymen believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the letter of the Balloon Buddies Buddymen Guidelines, or (b) The Balloon Buddies Buddymen believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. Please help us keep The Balloon Buddies Buddymen an enjoyable and positive experience. If you see a member or content that violates our rules, please let us know by contacting us.